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Expert on the positive influence of personality on workplace performance.

Persona: Latin for Masks.

It is the root for the word personality which reveals the authentic character or nature of person behind the mask. When you really get to know this person or the character behind the mask, possibilities open – in the workplace, in relationships, and in life. According to Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, the person behind the mask carries out two kinds of mental processes: They take in information and then make decisions about that information. Consequently, everyone has preferred ways of using these mental processes and Jung believed that these preferences are an innate or inborn predispositions.

Have you ever asked yourself where do we get our preference for using one hand over the other? Well, we all can and do use both hands; however one feels more natural, comfortable, or automatic. Our personality preferences, just like our use of one hand over the other, are expressed through pairs of natural opposites, called dichotomies. Our personality revels:

  • Where we focus our attention and get energy
  • The way we take in information and the kind of information we like and trust
  • The way we make decisions
  • Our attitude toward the external world and how we orient ourselves to it.

Like our hands, we all use both sides of each pair, but one is our natural preference. The MBTI® instrument is designed to reveal those inborn preferences, the pieces of our personality puzzle.     

The Personality Puzzle
Where we focus our attention and get energy. Are we energized by interacting with others and sociable or are energized by privacy and the opportunity to reflect.
The way we take in information and the kind of information we like and trust. Focus on present realities, verifiable facts, and experience or focus on future possibilities, the big picture, and insights.
The way we make decisions. Make our decisions based on impersonal, objective logic or based on personal priorities and relationships.
Our attitude toward the external world and how we orient ourselves to it. Want the external world to be organized and orderly or seek to experience the world and not organize it.

You are an expression of these four puzzle pieces
...many pieces yet one puzzle.
Every coin has two sides with only one showing; until you flip the coin to reveal the other side.

Each puzzle piece of your personality, just like that coin, has two sides with only one side showing. It is this combination that makes it likely that those around you will more than likely express themsleves differently than you. Surprised? However, more important than understanding your personality or the character behind that mask; appreciating the motives, strengths, and potential that these differences of personal expression brings to the playing field.

Recognize that what was once just us, a sinlgle puzzle piece, is now entire puzzle,  a picture. It's this picture or image that creates the beautiful concept successful and profitable diversity.

"Diversity makes us different yet similar, similar yet not the same, not the same, yet able to function as ONE."

                                                                                                                                                                  - FORREST CHARLES LAMB -
Benefit of the MBTI
  • Team development
  • Conflict management
  • Stress management
  • Career transition and planning

Who is it for?
  • HR professionals
  • Trainers and educators
  • Management
  • Executive
  • Career counselors
  • Family counselors
  • Academic advisors
  • Line managers

Forrest Lamb Speaks
PO Box 2588 Harvey, LA 70059

+01 504 500 1838
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